Kairi Lorenz is a PhD student and a part-time Junior Lecturer in Physical Pharmacy at the Institute of Pharmacy, University of Tartu.
K. Lorenz has graduated her MSc degree in 2019 and is currently continuing her doctoral studies under the supervision of Prof. K. Kogermann and Prof. T. Tenson. The title for the doctoral theses is „Development and characterisation of antimicrobial peptide-loaded drug delivery systems for skin and wound infections“.
K. Lorenz is part of the research group led by Prof. K. Kogermann. Her main areas of research include design and development of novel wound dressings and drug delivery systems using electrospinning technique. Also focusing on the characterisation of antimicrobial wound dressings and further development of biorelevant wound infection models.
In addition, she has worked in several research and collaboration projects with UT Institute of Technology, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Icosagen AS and Chemipharm AS. Also been part of the development of a nasal spray formulation containing SARS-COV-2 antibodies together with Prof. K.Kogermann, which is now sold under the name BioBlockâ in pharmacies.
A more detailed CV and list of publications can be found in ETIS.