Jyrki Tapio Heinämäki


Short Curriculum Vitae

Dr. J. Heinämäki is a full-time Professor of Pharmaceutical nanotechnology and Programme Director of Doctoral Studies in Pharmacy.

Dr. Heinämäki obtained his MSc (Pharm) degree in 1987 and PhD (Pharm) in 1991 at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He received Docentship in Pharmaceutical technology at the University of Helsinki in 1995. In 2010, he was appointed as a full-time Professor in Medical technology for 5 years at the University of Tartu. He holds also an invited professorship (a permanent honorary professorship) at the University of Havana, Cuba since 2008.

Over the last two decades, his research works have focused on pharmaceutical nanotechnology drug delivery systems and oral solid dosage forms, especially in the fields of powder technology, fabrication of nanofibers, granulation, pelletisation, tableting, film coating and surface engineering of pharmaceutical solids. He is also specialized in industrial pharmacy and regulatory processes of medicinal products. Today, the key research areas of his group are: (1) Nanomedicines of poorly water-soluble drugs, (2) Multifunctional nanofibrous medicines and bioscaffolds for wound therapy, (3) Nozzleless electrospinning techniques of nanofibers, (4) Printed nanomaterial substrates and drug delivery systems for personalized drug therapy, and (5) Nanoformulation of drug delivery systems for natural products. In addition, his research team develops and tests novel process analytical technologies (PAT) for nanofabrication processes.

To date, Dr. Heinämäki has authored or co-authored over 125 original peer-reviewed scientific articles in international (category 1.1.) journals, and over 25 articles (extended abstracts) in conference proceedings. He has also supervised or co-supervised total 20 PhD theses in the abovementioned research fields.

More detailed CV and Publications in ETIS

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