Jana Lass


Short Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Jana Lass is a clinical pharmacist specialized in ICU and paediatric medicines. She received her master degree at the University of Tartu (UT) and MSc in Clinical Pharmacy at the Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland.

She completed her PhD at the University of Tartu, Estonia in 2013 entitled"Epidemiological and clinical aspects of medicines use in children in Estonia".

After the defense she continued her main work at the Tartu University Hospital as a clinical pharmacist and her scientific career at the UT at the Institute of Microbiology and Institute of Genomics as a Research Fellow of Clinical pharmacology.

The main topic of research has been pharmacokinetic clinical studies.

Currently she is working as an Associate Professor in Physical Pharmacy and Senior Researcher at the Institute of Pharmacy.

Since 2013 she is also an alternate member of the Paediatric Committee of the European Medicines Agency.

More detailed CV and Publications in ETIS: https://www.etis.ee/My/Profile/Index?lang=ENG

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