Ivo Laidmäe


Dr. I. Laidmäe is a part-time Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology at the Institute of Pharmacy. He is also a part-time Associate Professor of Immunological Nanotechnology in Immunology group at the Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, University of Tartu.

Dr. I. Laidmäe obtained his MSc (Pharm) degree in 2003 and and PhD (Pharm) in 2012 at the University of Tartu (UT).

He has done research visits to the Institute for Medicine and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania (visiting PhD student) and to the Electronics Research Laboratory, Dept. of Physics, University of Helsinki (visiting researcher).

His research works have focused on electrospinning for tissue engineering, wound healing and drug delivery systems.

More detailed CV and list of publications in ETIS.

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Teaduskonverentsi publik

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Celia Teresa Pozo Ramos kaitseb doktoritööd „Preparation and assessment of antimicrobial electrospun matrices for prospective applications in wound healing”

10. mail kaitseb Celia Teresa Pozo Ramos doktoritööd „Preparation and assessment of antimicrobial electrospun matrices for prospective applications in wound healing” („Antimikroobsete elektrospinnitud maatriksite valmistamine ja hindamine haavaravis rakendamiseks”).