Georg-Marten Lanno


Short Curriculum Vitae

MSc G-M. Lanno is a full time PhD student in the institute of Technology and part time assistant of Pharmaceutical Technology in the Institute of Pharmacy.

G-M.Lanno obtained his MSc (Pharm) degree in 2017 (University of Tartu) and continued his PhD studies in the Institute of Technolgy (Engineering and Technology, biomedical engineering), which is still ongoing with the title: „Development of smart antimicrobial biomaterials using electrospinning technology“.

  • More detailed CV and Publications in ETIS.

Current enrollment in projects:

LMVFA20209 "The suitability of fish and shellfish materials for electrospinning of fibrous wound scaffolds (30.03.2020−30.11.2021)", Karin Kogermann, University of Tartu, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Pharmacy.

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