Daisy Volmer


Short Curriculum Vitae

Dr. D. Volmer is a full-time Associate Professor of Social pharmacy and Programme Director of Bachelor's and master's integrated studies in pharmacy. She is a coordinator and/or lecturer of 33 compulsory and optional MSc and PhD courses.

Dr. Volmer obtained her first MSc (Pharm) degree in 1992, second MSc (Pharm) degree in 1994 (specialization in pharmacognosy) and PhD (Pharm) in 2010 (specialization in social pharmacy) at the University of Tartu. She received Docentship in Social Pharmacy at the University of Tartu in 2012. Since 2017 D. Volmer acts as a Programme Director of Bachelor's and master's integrated studies in pharmacy and since January 31, 2022 as a Head of the Institute of Pharmacy, University of Tartu.

Since 2012 the Executive Committee member of the European Association of Faculties of Pharmacy.

In 2018-22, chairman of the board of the Estonian Academical Society of Pharmacy.

During the last twenty years, D. Volmer has built up systematic research in the field of social pharmacy at the University of Tartu. The main areas of research in social pharmacy research group are:

  • development of a high-quality community pharmacy service,
  • identification of person-centeredness in patient care,
  • development of different extended services at community pharmacy,
  • medication adherence,
  • safe and effective use of medicines by elderly patients with polypharmacotherapy,
  • innovative digital solutions to improve access to medicines,
  • competency-based pharmaceutical education.

Dr. Volmer has authored or co-authored 38 original peer-reviewed scientific articles in international (category 1.1.) journals, and 96 conferece abstracts in conference proceedings and scientific journals. She has been the main compiler and co-author of the first Estonian social pharmacy textbook "Practical social pharmacy - drug communication in a pharmacy".

She is currently supervising 3 PhD thesis as a main supervisor and has suprvised or co-supervised 150 research Works in the abovementioned research fields.

Current research projects and networks:

Network for the Development of Medication Review Service in Primary Care in Eastern Europe and Iran (2019-…)

COST Action CA19132, European Network to Advance Best practices & technoLogy on

medication adherencE (ENABLE) (2020-2024)

Cross-border e-prescribing and e-dispensing – the first results from Estonia and Finland (2021-2023)

Honours and awards:

2016-18 Scholarship of good teaching

2018 Medical Faculty, University of Tartu, Program Manager of the Year

2018 University of Tartu, Badge of distinction

2019 Medical Faculty, University of Tartu, lecturer of the year

More detailed CV and Publications in ETIS.

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