Andres Meos


Andres Meos, born in 1957 in Tartu, Estonia.

Graduated the 7-th Secondary School of Tartu in 1975 and Tartu State University with a pharmacy diploma in 1981. From 1981 to 1984 conducted postgraduate studies in Laboratory of Neurochemical Pharmacology led by Kirill Sergeevich Raevsky (Кирилл Сергеевич Раевский) in Moscow Institute of Pharmacology of Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR. In 1986 defended PhD thesis "Influence of typical and atypical neuroleptics on dopaminergic mediator system in rat brain" (original title "Влияние типичных и атипичных нейролептиков на дофаминергическую медиаторную систему мозга крыс") and obtained a degree of candidate of biological sciences, specialty - pharmacology.

Starting from 1984 is a member of the teaching staff of Institute of Pharmacy of University of Tartu, the latest position starting from January 1st of 2021 is associate professor of pharmaceutical chemistry. His field of studies is connected mainly to chemical analysis.

Teaduskonverentsi publik

Ootame teese arstiteaduskonna aastapäeva teaduskonverentsile!

Celia Teresa Pozo Ramos kaitseb doktoritööd „Preparation and assessment of antimicrobial electrospun matrices for prospective applications in wound healing”

10. mail kaitseb Celia Teresa Pozo Ramos doktoritööd „Preparation and assessment of antimicrobial electrospun matrices for prospective applications in wound healing” („Antimikroobsete elektrospinnitud maatriksite valmistamine ja hindamine haavaravis rakendamiseks”).

Veebiseminar: teadmussiirdedoktorantuur

Tartu Ülikooli meditsiiniteaduste valdkond korraldab veebiseminari, et tutvustada teadmussiirdedoktorantuuri eesmärke ja võimalusi selles osaleda.