About the institute

The Institute of Pharmacy at the University of Tartu is the only institution in Estonia providing higher education and training for pharmacists.

The mission of the Institute is to advance the pharmaceutical sciences by conducting a high-standard research work and research-based education of MSc(Pharm) and PhD(Pharm) students.

The students in Pharmacy will get unique competencies that no other specialist has. The teaching in the Institute of Pharmacy is focused on the properties of medicines, their development, preparation, storage, analysis and use.

The medicine-based thinking plays an important role in the teaching and learning, i.e. the learning focuses not only on pharmaceutical subjects but also on anatomy, genetics and much more. In addition to theoretical subjects, all students participate also in pharmacy practice.

The University of Tartu was ranked in the 101–150 range in Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Shanghai Ranking (ARWU) in 2019, and in the 251–300 range in Pharmacy & Pharmacology in the QS University Rankings by Subjects in 2018.

The high position of Pharmacy in the Academic Ranking of World Universities list is partially explained by our active national and international research collaboration and networking. Today, the Institute of Pharmacy participates in the

  • NordForsk researcher network (Nordic POP),
  • Horizon 2020 EUROAGEISM project,
  • COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) research network,
  • Erasmus Plus International,
  • EduShare and
  • Mobilitas Plus Programme activities.

These participations allow us to collaborate with world-class scientists, visit their universities and invite them to Estonia.


Faculty of Medicine

The Institute of Pharmacy belongs to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu, and the Institute offers own students and specialists continuing education also in the field of microbiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathological physiology, physiology and other specialties. The Institute is also actively involved in international cooperation, both at the level of students and researchers.

Active student life

In addition to regular studies, MSc(Pharm) students can also take part in the activities of student association TÜRS (Tartu Ülikooli Rohuteaduse Selts) by participating in autumn seminars, in various entertaining events, summer days and excursions.

TÜRS is also the coordinator of the internship program “For summer work in the pharmacy”, and it is possible to go abroad for professional internship through the association. Keep an eye on their Instagram page.


The Institute of Pharmacy is located in Maarjamõisa, a modern campus of the University of Tartu. The Institute of Pharmacy is located in the same building as the Institute of Technology (Nooruse str. 1, Tartu - see the map), and the Institute is adjacent to other medical science buildings - Biomedicum, Chemicum and Physicum. The institute has several modern laboratories and a specialized library with extensive study literature.


The Institute's research work focuses on

  • pharmaceutical technology,
  • nanotechnology,
  • physical pharmacy,
  • pharmacognosy and
  • social pharmacy.

In the fields of pharmaceutical nanotechnology and physical pharmacy, more specifically the research work topics are related to the nanofibrous drug delivery systems and the impact of the physicochemical properties of drug and excipients on the quality of the final drug product. There is also much research work on the determination of biologically active substances in herbs and herbal formulations.

Read more about our research.


Those who are graduated from the Institute of Pharmacy receive a Master of Pharmacy, MSc(Pharm) degree.

Our alumni work in general community pharmacies, hospital pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical wholesalers, but also in the State Agency of Medicines, University of Tartu, Tallinn Health Care College and many other specialized institutions. In addition, there is the opportunity to start doctoral studies in Pharmacy at the University of Tartu.

The people who have studied and graduated in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tartu, will have a highly recognized degree in Pharmacy or Medicine both in Estonia and in the world.

The degree opens the world to opportunities and also doors to labor market. In addition to your strong theoretical knowledge and practical skills, you will get an excellent social network and most importantly, working skills for a lifetime!

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