
Ain Raal

Dr. A. Raal is a full-time Professor of Pharmacognosy and Head of the Institute of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tartu.

Dr. Raal obtained his MSc (Pharm) degree in 1984 in Tartu (Estonia, previously U.S.S.R.) and PhD (Pharm = Candidate of Sciences in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy) in 1989 at The Institute of Chemistry and Pharmacy of Leningrad, U.S.S.R. for the theses "The pharmacognostical study of Matricaria matricarioides of Estonian origin".

He received Docentship in Pharmacognoy at the University of Tartu in 1993. In 2016, he was appointed as a full-time Professor in Pharmacognosy at the University of Tartu. Since 2015 he is the Head of the Institute of Pharmacy, University of Tartu.

Over the last two decades, his research works have focused on pharmacognosy, phytochemistry and biological activity of medicinal plants of Estonia, Europe and Asia. He is also specialized in pharmacy history and in social pharmacy in the field of medicinal plants.

Today, the key research areas of his group are:

  1. Essential oil content and composition of medicinal plants of different origin;
  2. Phenolic substances in medicinal plants of different origin;
  3. Isolation and identification of biologically active substances from medicinal plants of different origin;
  4. Biological activities, especially anti-cancer and anti-inflmmatory activity of plants extracts and individual compouds;
  5. History of pharmacy with focus to University of Tartu and natural products;
  6. Utilization of medicinal plants in aspects of social pharmacy.

To date, Dr. Raal has authored or co-authored 85 original peer-reviewed scientific articles in international (category 1.1.) journals, and over 120 abstracts in domestiuc and international conference proceedings. He has published or co-publiched 29 textbooks, monograps and popular-scientific books.

He has received the Estonian Academy of Sciences Award for popularization of science for the "Encyclopedia of medicinal plants of the World" (in Estonian, 2010), and the Estonian Academy of Sciences Award to use the badge "Nationally awarded popularizer of science" (2011).

He has also supervised or co-supervised total 2 PhD theses and more than 140 Msci (Pharm) theses in the abovementioned research fields.

Research projects

Development of evidence-based herbal tinctures (LMVFA20208, 2020)

More detailed CV and Publications in ETIS.

Jyrki Heinamäki

Dr. J. Heinämäki is a full-time Professor of Pharmaceutical nanotechnology and Programme Director of Doctoral Studies in Pharmacy.

Dr. Heinämäki obtained his MSc (Pharm) degree in 1987 and PhD (Pharm) in 1991 at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He received Docentship in Pharmaceutical technology at the University of Helsinki in 1995. In 2010, he was appointed as a full-time Professor in Medical technology for 5 years at the University of Tartu. He holds also an invited professorship (a permanent honorary professorship) at the University of Havana, Cuba since 2008.

Over the last two decades, his research works have focused on pharmaceutical nanotechnology drug delivery systems and oral solid dosage forms, especially in the fields of powder technology, fabrication of nanofibers, granulation, pelletisation, tableting, film coating and surface engineering of pharmaceutical solids. He is also specialized in industrial pharmacy and regulatory processes of medicinal products.

Today, the key research areas of his group are:

  1. Nanomedicines of poorly water-soluble drugs;
  2. Multifunctional nanofibrous medicines and bioscaffolds for wound therapy;
  3. Nozzleless electrospinning techniques of nanofibers;
  4. Printed nanomaterial substrates and drug delivery systems for personalized drug therapy, and
  5. Nanoformulation of drug delivery systems for natural products.

In addition, his research team develops and tests novel process analytical technologies (PAT) for nanofabrication processes.

To date, Dr. Heinämäki has authored or co-authored over 110 original peer-reviewed scientific articles in international (category 1.1.) journals, and over 25 articles (extended abstracts) in conference proceedings.

He has also supervised or co-supervised total 19 PhD theses in the abovementioned research fields.

Research projects

Multifunctional nanomedicines – design and quality assessment (2015-2020)

IUT34-18 , Prof. J. Heinämäki, University of Tartu, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Pharmacy (coordinator).

The project investigates the formulation and manufacturing technologies of new multifunctional nanomedicines potentially applicable in the treatment of the major diseases today.

The project comprises three Work Packages (WPs):

  • WP1 – Nanomedicines of poorly water-soluble drugs,
  • WP2 - Multifunctional nanomedicines for wound therapy and
  • WP3 - Printed nanomaterial substrates and drug delivery systems for personalized drug therapy.

At the end of the project, new nanomaterial drug products and manufacturing technologies for poorly water-soluble drugs and wound healing therapy are developed. Printed personalized medicines intended for pediatric and geriatric drug therapy are available.

Special attention is paid on a high-level research training in pharmaceutical nanotechnology and strengthening the knowledge on this research in Estonia.

ACOUSPIN, “Accelerated wound healing” (2018-2019)

This is the research service and collaboration project with the University of Helsinki, Finland.

Group leader at the University of Tartu Prof. J. Heinämäki. Director in charge and project leader Prof. E. Haeggström, University of Helsinki.

The focus of this research project was to develop a multlmodal Acouspin system (USES) that combines intense ultrasound (US) and electrospinning (ES) to generate novel kinds of nanofiber networks intended for acute and/or chronic wound dressings.

The Acouspin technique permits temporal and spatial US control of the structure of nanofibrous platforms and control of the content of individual fibers.

This permits one to modify the rnedranical and micro- and nanotopographic properties of individual fibers and fiber constructs. It is possible to e.g. match the needs of specific tissues and to tune the porosity of the construct to control gas permeatiory cell infiltration, and absorption of wound exudates.

More detailed CV and Publications in ETIS.

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